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Nowadays, engineers always look forward to increase production speed and at the same time improve safety and quality.

Testing controls systems on site requires manufacturing phase to be completed and increases risks to delay project handover.

Using Virtual Commissioning is a key to anticipate testing phase off-site and optimize delivery phase:

Errors are detected early and are not transferred to the real system. This avoids unplanned machine behavior during commissioning which will otherwise quickly lead to delays and high costs. Virtual Testing, Simulation and Optimization lead to costs and time saving in the machine development process, at no physical risks.

By combining the simulation models of controls and mechanics, a Digital Twin of the real application is created. This allows the system to be simulated and initial optimization approaches can be tested.

Real prototypes are not required, errors are detected at an early stage and can be fixed before final on-site commissioning. Travels to End-User site can be limited and project quality increases, while working remotely in collaborative way, with all local back-office resources.

Emulate3D Controls Testing solution philosophy is to transform static CADs into dynamic and controlled models, by adding or identifying kinematic joints, motors, sensors… and connecting I/Os to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and High Level Controls (HLC), with a friendly Tag Browser interface.

Digital Twin with Emulate3D Controls Testing is also a perfect option to train operators and learn best practice by reproducing difficult scenarios at no risk. Understanding before situation happens is a key to better reactivity to real time operations difficulties.

Here are 10 Reasons to use Controls Testing for your next project with Emulate3D Controls Testing solution:

Emulate3D Digital Twin